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1864. Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the Binary String Alternating

from collections import Counter

class Solution:
def flip(self, prev: str) -> str:
if prev == "0":
return "1"
return "0"

def countDiff(self, start: str, s: str) -> int:
current = start
cnt = 0
for c in s:
if c != current:
cnt += 1
current = self.flip(current)
return cnt

def minSwaps(self, s: str) -> int:
cnts = Counter(s)
one_cnt = cnts["1"]
zero_cnt = cnts["0"]
if abs(one_cnt - zero_cnt) > 1:
return -1
if one_cnt > zero_cnt:
return self.countDiff("1", s) // 2
if one_cnt < zero_cnt:
return self.countDiff("0", s) // 2
return min(self.countDiff("0", s), self.countDiff("1", s)) // 2